We help people remain active

Solemaids is a Danish company with years of experience in treating heel related pain. We provide insoles for different foot diagnoses and help people get back on their feet.

The best insoles to treat heel pain

We do everything to ensure that we make the best insoles for people with foot diagnoses.

Solemaids PF

Solemaids PF (Plantar Fasciitis or Pain Free) are insoles that relieve plantar heel pain in adults. Plantar heel pain is pain felt underneath your heel. Solemaids PF insoles are developed with a sole purpose, which is to relieve pain from underneath the heel.

Solemaids Severs

We provide a clinically tested and proven effective insole solution for Sever’s disease. 9 out of 10 has immediate pain relief with Solemaids Severs insoles. By fitting the child’s footwear with insoles, it allows them to walk, jump and run without pain.


We create solutions for treating heel pain

We offer health professionals the chance to be a part of a strong community of specialists, who have similar interests in helping children and adults alike stay active despite heel pain.  

Solemaids is a Danish company with years of experience in treating heel related pain. We train health professionals, such as physiotherapists, chiropractors and podiatrists, to use our treatment for heel pain in children and adults. Our innovative solutions for heel pain include thorough examination, information on heel pain and a pair of Solemaids insoles. 


Certified clinics

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Children helped

Do you need help with your heel pain?

We provide insoles for heel pain diagnoses and help people get back on their feet. Get in touch and let us help you or your child stay active.  

Take a look at our worldwide Solemaids partners

Solemaids was founded in 2017 by physiotherapist Per Øllgaard and in 2018 the first certified Solemaids clinic was trained in Denmark. Since then, we have grown and are now more than 100 clinics certified in several countries across Europe, The UK, the US and Australia. It is important to us that we create a community of passionate health professionals who want to contribute to making our vision come true. 


Solemaids testimonials

In Solemaids we are collectors of good stories – and we are always so excited when we recieve feedback. 


"This is a message to say a massive thank you to you and your team! It has been 2 months now since Lewis received your insoles. Granted at first it took him some time to get used to the arches and it was uncomfortable as you explained. After resting for 5 weeks prior to our consultation Lewis is now able to do athletics, soccer, hurling etc. He has no pain when doing so, which is amazing. You were completely right it’s not the athlete that needs the rest it’s the heel. He is back to sport every night of the week thanks to the ‘magic insoles’."

Lewis & Will Morgan Child and parent

“Sophie has not had heel pain since! She even did an hour of PE at school and one and a half hours of football training Wednesday without feeling the least bit in her heels 😊 I was a little excited to see if she could get used to the new pressure underneath the foot, but it was only for the first couple of days that she was a bit sore. It’s simply great to see a happy girl who can run with her friends without having pain and feeling the need to take breaks and rest.

Susan Parent

“After a week with her new Solemaids insoles she went to gymnastics practice again – almost without any pain! There were a few of the exercises that she wasn’t comfortable with at first. Now she’s using the insoles in all her footwear, she simply moves them every time she changes shoes. We are so happy that she got the help she needed, and we recommend Solemaids!"

Trevor Parent

“After 3-4 days she had gotten used to the insoles! After a week she tried to go for a short run, and it went so well. She hasn’t done that in about 2 years without having pain for several days afterwards. Thank you so much for the help 😊.

Adam Parent

“Christian has played all that he wants! Both inside and outside for about 3-4 times a week. He’s still a bit sore but it doesn’t bother him and he’s not complaining that it gets worse after training. This week he’s been to practice Monday, to an intensive football event Tuesday to Wednesday, without heel pain – it's a miracle.

Jacob Parent