Sever’s Disease: A common and treatable overuse injury

Sever’s disease is one of the most common causes of heel pain in growing children and teenagers. The condition refers to an inflammation of the growth plate in the heel, which can set in when this area is exposed to repetitive pressure, as a result of high impact activity. 6 % of all children between 7-14 years will develop Sever’s disease.  

Heel pain caused by Sever’s disease can be relieved by our Solemaids Severs insoles. Last year 2500 children could stay active with Solemaids Severs in their shoes. 90 % experience immediate pain relief with Solemaids Severs.

What causes Sever's disease?

Sever’s disease is caused by repetitive stress to the growth plate of the heel bone in growing children and adolescents. During growth spurts, the heel is particularly sensitive to pressure as it has not yet developed into solid bone. 

Inflammation to the heel bone develeops due to repetitive stress from high impact activities such as running and jumping. The inflammation then causes swelling and pain.

Who gets Sever's disease?

who gets sever's disease

How to test your child

Solemaids SeversAre you not sure if heel pain is caused by Sever’s disease? Can you tick off the following boxes?

If so, it is likely that your child suffers from Sever’s disease and can be helped with our Solemaids Severs insoles. 

There are two ways to test your child: 

  • The squeeze test 
  • The heel-walk test  
Watch the video to see how you perform these two tests.
Test your child for sever's disease

Treatment options

Many studies suggest and find that using multiple treatments can relieve pain. This includes strengthening, stretches, ice, rest, orthoses and anti-inflammatory drugs. In Solemaids we don’t believe it to be that complicated. From experience, we know that for children, the more you have to do, to relieve pain, the worse the child might find themselves to be. We recommend to avoid usinge drugs and painkillers on children.  

A simple insole solution with Solemaids Severs relieves pain immediately in 90 % of all children. Treating children’s heel pain is not about removing the injury or relieving pain completely. What matters is to get a significant pain relief, so the child can remain active and participate in sports. 

It’s not the child that needs a break, it’s the heel!

Heel pain and how it affects your child

Sever's disease and how it affects children

Most children are told that heel pain will pass as they get older and that they should rest when there’s pain. But that doesn’t help the child remain active, continue with their sport, or play with friends at school.

In Solemaids we know that keeping children active is crucial for their physical, mental and social development.

Further, we know that heel pain affects the entire family. Seeing your child or sibling in pain is hard and therefore we suggest you seek help from a health professional certified to prescribe Solemaids Severs insoles.

Find a clinic near you here.

Sever's disease and family - affects children