The best insoles for Sever's disease

We provide a clinically tested and proven effective insole solution for Sever’s disease. 9 out of 10 has immediate pain relief.  

The solution to Sever’s disease

Solemaids Severs are insoles for active children. Fitting the child’s footwear with Solemaids insoles allows them to walk, jump, and run without putting pressure on the heels. 

The foam-based, cushioning wedge lifts the heel bone, moving pressure from the growth plate in the heel to the place just in front of the growth zone. When the heel is suspended in this way, the pressure is relieved. And so is the pain. In this way the heel gets rest while the child stays active.

Solemaids Severs are handmade children’s orthotics made at our own production site in Denmark. They are not the usual over-the-counter shoe inserts or heel lifts.

How is a Solemaids Severs consultation?

You and your child book a consultation at a Certified Solemaids clinic near you (link). You arrive at the clinic together with your child. Remember to bring a selection of your child’s footwear, preferably the shoes your child uses the most.  

If the diagnosis is Sever’s disease the Solemaids specialist will educate you and your child about Sever’s disease. You’ll also be able to get answers on the questions you might have e.g., how much your child can do sports and worries you have about the condition.  

Then the Solemaids specialist will measure your child’s foot and fit the Severs insoles to your child’s foot immediately. Your child will try the Severs insoles in his or her own shoes to make sure they fit. The child takes the insoles home from the initial consultation. 

During the consultation, the Solemaids specialist will go through Solemaids Scientia which is a consultation tool. Our consultation tool ensures the right flow and best practice whether you are in Denmark, Australia or the Netherlands. Three weeks and three months after the initial consultation you and your child will receive feedback questionnaires that you should fill out to let your Solemaids specialist know how your child is doing with his/her heel pain.  

For most children, one consultation will be enough, and your child can return to their sports afterwards.  

Relieves pain so kids can stay in the game

Treatment guarantee

Our Severs insole solution have a treatment guarantee and full-return policy within the first 6 weeks. If your child does not have pain relief from the Severs insoles, it’s possible to return them and get your money back for the insoles within the first 6 weeks – this does not include the consultation fee at the clinic. If your child still has pain in the first couple of weeks, we always advice you to contact your local Solemaids specialist and let them do a new assessment and free of charge adjustment on the insoles.  

Globally available insole solution

Solemaids Severs insoles are available through a certified global network of health professionals who are all passionate about helping children remain active and pain-free. Find a clinic near you. If you are not able to find a clinic in your area, please contact us to book an online consultation.   

Safe and Certified

The Solemaids Severs insole solution have obtained CE marking, which indicates that the insoles comply with health, safety and environmental protection standards for products sold within the EU. 

As with any healthcare product, it is crucial that partners and patients have absolute trust in the safety of the product. 

Solemaids runs regular tests to make sure the insole has the right chemical, mechanical, physical and micro-biological properties.