Sunshine Stories

On this page you can read through feedback and testimonials. The feedback is from parents whose children have Sever’s disease and have received Solemaids Severs insoles. We receive feedback from parents as a part of our data collection system. The feedback you’ll read is 3 months after the initial consultation. The feedback is from patients who have visited one of our partners.

We will update this page continuously. We hope the testimonials can be a help for you, as you decide if Solemaids Severs is the right solution for your child.

"She is almost "addicted" to the insoles. It is certain that if she forgets the insoles when she changes shoes, she will experience pain in her heels if she forgets the insoles. When she plays handball, she can't play without the insoles, in which case she gets severe pain, like before she started using the insoles. "
“It's the best investment we've made in a long time for our daughter."
“You have our best and warmest recommendation. :-)"
“Very good. Use the insoles every day and for all activities."

"Never heel pain during activity...

Sometimes he has a little pain after activities. However, pain is still seen to a lesser degree if he runs barefoot on the grass, for example. That is, without the use of the inserts. The inserts have meant that he can once again participate on an equal footing with the others in his year in football and sports. It has really meant a lot for his well-being that he can now participate again."
"He loves them and remembers them even when playing sports. However, during the summer months he often wears bare feet or sandals where he can't wear them. THEN the heel pain "flares up" again."
"He's feeling much better. In fact, his heels don't hurt at all now. His activity level didn't change even though he had heel pain, but we could see that he was limping when walking and running."
“He's doing much better. He gets a little sore if he plays a lot, but he was able to participate in all training and all matches every day for a whole week at the PRO football school during the summer vacation. It's super positive."
“Kristoffer is very fond of his insoles. He always makes sure they are in the shoes he wears. The specific pain in his heel disappeared quickly after he started using the insoles and he was soon back to normal activity."
"Right now (about half a year after the insoles) his activity level has increased and this has caused a general soreness in his feet, but not the specific pain in his heel, which he only feels rarely and not at all the same pain as before."
“He automatically changes them between his shoes. We are not involved at all. He has accepted them, but wishes he had 2 sets instead of one pair. I agree. It would be more optimal with 2 sets."
“After a week with her new Solemaids insoles she went to gymnastics practice again – almost without any pain! There were a few of the exercises that she wasn’t comfortable with at first. Now she’s using the insoles in all her footwear, she simply moves them every time she changes shoes. We are so happy that she got the help she needed, and we recommend Solemaids!"

"He has played all that he wants!

Both inside and outside for about 3-4 times a week. He’s still a bit sore but it doesn’t bother him and he’s not complaining that it gets worse after training. This week he’s been to practice Monday, to an intensive football event Tuesday to Wednesday, without heel pain – it's a miracle."
“After 3-4 days she had gotten used to the insoles! After a week she tried to go for a short run, and it went so well. She hasn’t done that in about 2 years without having pain for several days afterwards. Thank you so much for the help 😊."
“As hoped, we have seen an improvement in Luca’s heel pain! Recently he played a handball match for 30 minutes without problems. He also did a marathon handball session for 14 hours, without being bothered by heel pain. He’s using Solemaids insoles daily and remembers to change them between his different footwears. We are very satisfied."
“The insoles helped immediately as you predicted and as they were supposed to! It took a little getting used to, but it all went very well. A couple of weeks ago he complained a little about increasing pain despite the insoles, but it’s like it went away on its own again"
“Sophie has not had heel pain since! She even did an hour of PE at school and one and a half hours of football training Wednesday without feeling the least bit in her heels 😊 I was a little excited to see if she could get used to the new pressure underneath the foot, but it was only for the first couple of days that she was a bit sore. It’s simply great to see a happy girl who can run with her friends without having pain and feeling the need to take breaks and rest."
"This is a message to say a massive thank you to you and your team! It has been 2 months now since Lewis received your insoles. Granted at first it took him some time to get used to the arches and it was uncomfortable as you explained. After resting for 5 weeks prior to our consultation Lewis is now able to do athletics, soccer, hurling etc. He has no pain when doing so, which is amazing. You were completely right it’s not the athlete that needs the rest it’s the heel. He is back to sport every night of the week thanks to the ‘magic insoles’."
Worked from day 1 - Only thing was that it was very unfamiliar and pressed in a new way, but the pain disappeared."
“After soccer training and matches there is no pain. There may be a little pain if he has walked a lot that day."
“Without Solemaids, he wouldn't be able to play soccer or exercise. He has really enjoyed them for the last year and a half and without them he wouldn't have been as active as he is now."
“We are so thankful to have come across Solemaids. Prior to using the inserts my son was missing several practices or games a week and would be unable to walk the day following activity because of the pain. He is now virtually pain free."
“My son is very happy with the insoles and uses them for all activities now. The touch on the ball during matches and training has not suffered any damage from the use of the insoles."

"Solemaids have been a real game changer for my daughter...

She cannot wear Solemaids when doing her sports (cheerleading, gymnastics & Lyrical dance). However, we have found that wearing the Solemaids at all other times is enough. She now has little to no pain after sports and thankfully, she can continue to participate."

Did you like the testimonials? Are you ready to let a Solemaids specialist help your child?

Some of the testimonials have been translated into English. Besides that nothing has been altered. The testimonials are all anonymous as our data collection system is GDPR compliant. All testimonials here have been published with consent from parents.