Free webinars about heel pain​

We regularly host a free heel pain webinar. We especially focus on Sever’s disease and our Solemaids Severs solution. Keep updated on this page to see the dates for our next webinars. Join a heel pain webinar and get new insights. 

heel pain webinar

Sever’s disease webinar program

Heel pain is one of the most common injuries in growing children and teenagers. Do you treat children, sports injuries, or feet? And do you know the extent of Sever’s disease? 
  • How Sever’s disease affects children who are physically active
  • What do we know about Sever’s Disease?
  • Treatment solutions and how we can help children with Sever’s disease 

Solemaids Severs is a unique, patented design – and 90% of users report immediate relief from heel pain. Sever’s disease is the most frequent impact injury among children between the ages of 8 and 14.