Find a Solemaids clinic in the US
Here you’ll find an overview and contact information of the Solemaids clinics in the US. Our insoles are only available at certified clinics.
New Specialist in Los Angeles

Solemaids insoles provider in USA
Mikael Joergensen, PT and owner of Nordic Bodylab, is proud to provide the Solemaids insoles to American children dealing with Sever’s Disease and heel pain.
Mikael Joergensen has been working with Solemaids insoles in Denmark and their succesful collaboration is now available in America.
The Solemaids insoles are good news to the American kids, parents and doctors. Now they are able to help American children getting rid of their heal pain – while staying active. The insoles are light and thin, and they fit in all cleats and sneakers.
The official Solemaids provider in the USA is Nordic Bodylab with office based in Los Angeles, California.
From here the Solemaids insoles are shipped to the entire country.
Nordic Bodylab and Solemaids has had a succesful collaboration in America since 2021. All insoles are individually hand crafted and only made via an initial consultation.
Nordic Bodylab provides both on-line and in-house consultations.
Nordic Bodylab also provides insoles for Athletic Physical Therapy, based in Los Angeles with 3 locations. See map below.
Owner of Nordic Bodylab, Mikael Joergensen and owner of Athletic Physical Therapy, Stephen Clark work closely together providing the Solemaids insoles to American children dealing with Sever’s Disease and offering information to parents, doctors and proffesionels, that work with children in sports. We are happy to help your child too!